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NativePHP is currently in beta

Let's get to v1!


  1. PHP 8.1+
  2. Laravel 10 or higher
  3. Node 20+
  4. Windows 10+ / macOS 12+ / Linux

#PHP & Node

The best development experience for NativePHP is to have PHP and Node running on your development machine directly.

If you're using Mac or Windows, the most painless way to get PHP and Node up and running on your system is with Laravel Herd. It's fast and free!

Please note that, whilst it's possible to develop and run your application from a virtualized environment or container, you may encounter more unexpected issues and have more manual steps to create working builds.


NativePHP is built to work best with Laravel. You can install it into an existing Laravel application, or start a new one.

#Install a NativePHP runtime

composer require nativephp/electron

This package contains all the classes, commands, and interfaces that your application will need to work with the Electron runtime.

Note: If this fails, try setting the minimum-stability in your composer.json to "dev". NativePHP is in beta at this point in time.

#Run the NativePHP installer

php artisan native:install

The NativePHP installer takes care of publishing the NativePHP service provider, which bootstraps the necessary dependencies for your application to work with the runtime you're using: Electron or Tauri.

It also publishes the NativePHP configuration file to config/nativephp.php.

It adds the composer native:dev script to your composer.json, which you are free to modify to suit your needs.

Finally, it installs any other dependencies needed for the specific runtime you're using, e.g. for Electron it installs the NPM dependencies.

Whenever you set up NativePHP on a new machine or in CI, you should run the installer to make sure all the necessary dependencies are in place to build your application.

#Start the development server

Heads up! Before starting your app in a native context, try running it in the browser. You may bump into exceptions which need addressing before you can run your app natively, and may be trickier to spot when doing so.

Once you're ready:

php artisan native:serve

And that's it! You should now see your Laravel application running in a native desktop window. 🎉