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Child Processes

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#Child Processes

Child Processes allow your application to spin up managed processes, forked from your app's main process. This is great for long-running processes that you want to interact with repeatedly during the life of your application.

Child Processes can be managed from your application using a straightforward API. When your app quits, these processes get shut down gracefully.

"Spawning" a Child Process is like running a command from the CLI. Any command you can run in the terminal can be a Child Process.

cmd: 'tail -f storage/logs/laravel.log',
alias: 'tail'

Any process invoked using the ChildProcess facade will be non-blocking and keep running in the background. Even if the request that triggered it has finished.

Bear in mind that your Child Process ("command line") arguments may need to differ depending on which platform your application is running on (Mac/Linux vs Windows).

Where possible, you should explicitly reference binaries by their full path name, unless you can reliably assume that the executable you're trying to spawn is available in the user's PATH.

Child Processes are managed by the runtime (Electron/Tauri) but are fully accessible to the Laravel side of your application.


Before deciding to use a Child Process, consider the alternatives available to you. You should pick the most appropriate for the problem you're trying to solve:


The queue runner is useful for very simply offloading Laravel tasks to the background. Each task must be a Laravel queued Job.

Any queued jobs that don't get processed before your app is quit, will get processed when your application (and the queue runner) starts again.


The Laravel scheduler runs as normal (every minute) inside a NativePHP application. You can add scheduled tasks to your application just as you normally would, to have them run on a regular schedule.

Any scheduled tasks that would have run while your application isn't running will be skipped.

The queue runner and the scheduler are tied to your application, not the operating system, so they will only be able to run while your application is running.

#shell_exec, proc_open etc

PHP has good built-in support for running arbitrary programs in separate processes. For example:

  • shell_exec allows you to run commands and return their output to your application.
  • proc_open allows you to spin up a command with more control over how its input and output streams are handled.

While these can be used in your NativePHP application, consider that they:

  • May block the script that is executing them until the sub-process has finished.
  • May become orphaned from your application, allowing them to continue running after your app has quit.

Runaway orphaned processes could negatively impact your user's system and can become tricky to manage without user intervention. You should be cautious about starting processes this way.

#Starting a Child Process

Each Child Process must have a unique alias. This is the name you will use to reference and interact with this process throughout your application.

You may start a process using the ChildProcess facade:

use Native\Laravel\Facades\ChildProcess;
cmd: 'tail -f storage/logs/laravel.log',
alias: 'tail'

The start method will return a Native\Laravel\ChildProcess instance, which represents the process. You may interact directly with this instance to make changes to that process, but this does not necessarily mean that the process was started.

The timing of process initilization is controlled by the user's operating system and spawning may fail for a number of reasons.

To determine if the process has started successfully, you should listen for the ProcessSpawned event.

#Current Working Directory

By default, the child process will use the working directory of your application as it's "current working directory" (cwd). However, you can explicitly change this if needed by passing a string path to the $cwd parameter of the start method:

cmd: ['tail', '-f', 'logs/laravel.log'],
alias: 'tail',
cwd: storage_path()

#Persistent Processes

You may mark a process as persistent to indicate that the runtime should make sure that once it has been started it is always running. This works similarly to tools like supervisord, ensuring that the process gets booted up again in case it crashes.

cmd: ['tail', '-f', 'logs/laravel.log'],
alias: 'tail',
persistent: true

#PHP scripts

For your convenience, NativePHP provides a simple method to execute PHP scripts in the background using NativePHP's packaged PHP binary:

ChildProcess::php('path/to/script.php', alias: 'script');

#Artisan commands

NativePHP provides a similar method convenience for Artisan commands:

ChildProcess::artisan('smtp:serve', alias: 'smtp-server');

#Getting running processes

#Getting a single process

You can use the ChildProcess facade's get method to get a running process with a given alias:

$tail = ChildProcess::get('tail');

This will return a Native\Laravel\ChildProcess instance.

#Getting all processes

You can use the ChildProcess facade's all method to get all running processes:

$processes = ChildProcess::all();

This will return an array of Native\Laravel\ChildProcess instances.

#Stopping a Child Process

Your child processes will shut down when your application exits. However, you may also choose to stop them manually or provide this control to your user.

If you have a Native\Laravel\ChildProcess instance, you may call the stop method on it:


Alternatively, you may use the ChildProcess facade to stop a process via its alias:


This will attempt to stop the process gracefully. The ProcessExited event will be dispatched if the process exits.

Note that persistent processes will be permanently stopped and will only be restarted when the start method is called again. If you want to restart a persistent process, use the restart method instead.

#Restarting a Child Process

As a convenience, you may simply restart a Child Process using the restart method. This may be useful in cases where the program has become unresponsive and you simply need to "reboot" it.

If you have a Native\Laravel\ChildProcess instance, you may call the restart method on it:


Alternatively, you may use the ChildProcess facade to restart a process via its alias:


#Sending input

There are multiple ways to provide input to your Child Process:

  • The environment.
  • Arguments to the command.
  • Its standard input stream (STDIN).
  • A custom interface, e.g. a network socket.

Which you use will depend on what the program is capable of handling.


Child Processes will inherit the environment available to your application by default. If needed, you can provide extra environment variables when starting the process via the $env parameter of the start method:

cmd: 'tail ...',
alias: 'tail',
env: [
'CUSTOM_ENV_VAR' => 'custom value',

#Command line arguments

You can pass arguments to the program via the $cmd parameter of the start method. This accepts a string or an array, whichever you prefer to use:

cmd: ['tail', '-f', 'storage/logs/laravel.log'],
alias: 'tail'

#Messaging a Child Process

You may send messages to a running child process's standard input stream (STDIN) using the message method:

$tail->message('Hello, world!');

Alternatively, you may use the ChildProcess facade to message a process via its alias:

ChildProcess::message('Hello, world!', 'tail');

The message format and how they are handled will be determined by the program you're running.

#Handling output

A Child Process may send output via any of the following interfaces:

  • Its standard output stream (STDOUT).
  • Its standard error stream (STDERR).
  • A custom interface, e.g. a network socket.
  • Broadcasting a Custom Event

STDOUT, STDERR & Custom Events are dispatched using Laravel's event system.

You may listen to these events by registering a listener in your app service provider, or on the front end using the Native helper.

Please see the Events section for a full list of events.

#Listening for Output (STDOUT)

You may receive standard output for a process by registering an event listener for the MessageReceived event:

#Listening for Errors (STDERR)

You may receive standard errors for a process by registering an event listener for the ErrorReceived event:


NativePHP provides a simple way to listen for Child Process events.

All events get dispatched as regular Laravel events, so you may use your AppServiceProvider to register listeners.

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Native\Laravel\Events\ChildProcess\MessageReceived;
* Bootstrap any application services.
public function boot(): void
Event::listen(MessageReceived::class, function(MessageReceived $event) {
if ($event->alias === 'tail') {

Sometimes you may want to listen and react to these events in real-time, which is why NativePHP also broadcasts all Child Process events to the nativephp broadcast channel. Any events broadcasted this way also get dispatched over IPC, enabling you to react to them on the front-end without using websockets.

Native.on("Native\\Laravel\\Events\\ChildProcess\\MessageReceived", (event) => {
if (event.alias === "tail") {

To learn more about NativePHP's broadcasting capabilities, please refer to the Broadcasting section.


This Native\Laravel\Events\ChildProcess\ProcessSpawned event will be dispatched when a Child Process has successfully been spawned. The payload of the event contains the $alias and the $pid of the process.

In Electron, the $pid here will be the Process ID of an Electron Helper process which spawns the underlying process.


This Native\Laravel\Events\ChildProcess\ProcessExited event will be dispatched when a Child Process exits. The payload of the event contains the $alias of the process and its exit $code.


This Native\Laravel\Events\ChildProcess\MessageReceived event will be dispatched when the Child Process emits some output via its standard output stream (STDOUT). The payload of the event contains the $alias of the process and the message $data.


This Native\Laravel\Events\ChildProcess\ErrorReceived event will be dispatched when the Child Process emits an error via its standard error stream (STDERR). The payload of the event contains the $alias of the process and the error $data.