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⚠️ NativePHP is currently in alpha. We do not recommend distributing production releases of your applications yet.

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Native Notifications

NativePHP allows you to send system notifications using an elegant PHP API. These notifications are, unlike Laravel's built-in notifications, actual UI notifications displayed by your operating system.

When used sparingly, notifications can be a great way to inform the user about events that are occurring in your application and to bring their attention back to it, especially if further input from them is required.

Sending Notifications

You may send a notification using the Notification facade.

1use Native\Laravel\Facades\Notification;
3Notification::title('Hello from NativePHP')
4 ->message('This is a detail message coming from your Laravel app.')
5 ->show();

This will show a system-wide notification to the user with the given title and message.


Notification Click Events

You may register a custom event along with your NativePHP notification. This event will be fired when a user clicks on the notification, so that you may add some custom logic within your application in this scenario.

To attach an event to your notification, you may use the event method. The argument passed to this method is the class name of the event that should get dispatched upon clicking on the notification.

1use Native\Laravel\Facades\Notification;
3Notification::title('Hello from NativePHP')
4 ->message('This is a detail message coming from your Laravel app.')
5 ->event(\App\Events\MyNotificationEvent::class)
6 ->show();