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NativePHP is currently in alpha development

Let's get to beta!

Building Your App

Building your app is the process of compiling your application into a production-ready state. When building, NativePHP attempts to sign and notarize your application. Once signed, your app is ready to be distributed.

The build process compiles your app for one platform at a time. It compiles your application along with the Electron/Tauri runtime into a single executable.

Once built, you can distribute your app however you prefer, but NativePHP also provides a publish command that will automatically upload your build artifacts to your chosen provider - this allows your app to provide automatic updates.

You should build your application for each platform you intend to support and test it on each platform before publishing to make sure that everything works as expected.


For every build you create, you should change the version of your application in your app's config/nativephp.php file.

This can be any format you choose, but you may find that a simple incrementing build number is the easiest to manage.

Migrations will only run on the user's machine if the version reference is different to the currently-installed version.

You may choose to have a different version number that uses a different scheme (e.g. SemVer) that you use for user-facing releases.

Running a build

1php artisan native:build

This will build for the platform and architecture where you are running the build.


You can also specify a platform to build for by passing the os argument, so for example you could build for Windows whilst on a Mac:

1php artisan native:build win

Possible options are: mac, win, linux.

Cross-compilation is not supported on all platforms.

Cross-compilation on Linux

Compiling Windows binaries is possible with wine. NSIS requires 32-bit wine when building x64 applications.

1# Example installation of wine for Debian based distributions (Ubuntu)
2dpkg --add-architecture i386
3apt-get -y update
4apt-get -y install wine32

Code signing

Both macOS and Windows require your app to be signed before it can be distributed to your users.

NativePHP makes this as easy for you as it can, but each platform does have slightly different requirements.


See the Electron documentation for more details.


See the Electron documentation for more details.

To prepare for signing and notarizing, please provide the following environment variables when running php artisan native:build:


These can be added to your .env file as they will be stripped out when your app is built.