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Build Native PHP Apps


PHP Apps

Simon Hamp presenting at Laracon EU 2025 on building mobile apps with PHP

Bring your PHP & Laravel skills to the world of desktop & mobile apps . Build cross-platform applications effortlessly—no extra tools, just the stack you love.


A collaboration between:


Developer & Artisan — LaraDevs

Simon Hamp - Creator of NativePHP and founder of LaraDevs
Marcel Pociot - Creator of NativePHP and CTO of BeyondCode


CTO & Cofounder — BeyondCode

+ Many community contributors:

Eser DENIZ - NativePHP contributor A G - NativePHP contributor Willem Leuverink - NativePHP contributor Peter Bishop - NativePHP contributor
Laracon US Talk

Where did this come from?

Watch Marcel's original NativePHP talk from Laracon US 2023 in Nashville. Minds were blown as he demonstrated how to use Laravel to build cross-platform desktop applications.

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